11 December 2019
from 14:30

MCQST and IMPRS-QST present a special Christmas colloquium edition with short and engaging talks.

MCQST Colloquium MCQST Community

Address / Location

MPI of Quantum Optics | Herbert Walther Lecture Hall

Hans-Kopfermann-Straße 1



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The MCQST Colloquium Series usually features interdisciplinary talks given by visiting international speakers. The monthly colloquial covers topics spanning all MCQST research units and will be broadcasted live, being made available to audiences worldwide. The main goal of the series is to create the framework for idea exchange, to strengthen links with QST leading groups worldwide, as well as to act as an integral part of the local educational environment.

On 11 December, MCQST and IMPRS-QST invite you to a special Colloquium edition, where MCQST members and IMPRS-QST students take on the challenge of presenting their research projects in short talks tailored for both scientific and non-scientific audiences. We are excited about this special edition and look forward to their engaging talks.



Isabel Rabey | MPQ
How round is the electron?

Alexander Schuckert | TUM
What bees and trapped ion quantum simulators have in common

Antonio Rubio Abadal | MPQ
Fun with quantum eggs

Christoph Sünderhauf | MPQ
A story of scrambling

Silke Stähler-Schöpf | Photon Lab
Light up your brain: Das Schülerlabor PhotonLab

Jasmin Meinecke | MPQ & LMU
Quantum Walk vs. Drunk Mans Walk

Live Streaming

If you wish to view the live stream of the Colloquium, please use button below to subscribe to the corresponding mailing list. Detailed instructions will be sent to all subscribers.

After the talks, we invite all participants to join the speakers and our teams over mulled wine, punch, and gingerbread.

The talk is open to everyone interested, no registration is required.

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