21 March 2024
Aisha Aqeel featured as “Female Physicist of the Week”
Aisha Aqeel, junior group leader at MCQST and TUM, is featured as “Female Physicist of the Week” by the German Physical Society (DPG).

Aisha served as a Junior Group Leader since 2022 in the Munich Centre for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST) at the Technical University of Munich, Germany. This year, she will transition to the University of Augsburg to establish her research group, "Spintronics with Helimagnetic Insulators (SpinLEGO)," supported by the Emmy-Noether grant from DFG. Her research focuses on investigating novel magnetic insulators for potential energy-efficient spintronic applications.
Employing crystal growth techniques, Aisha cultivates magnetic materials and subsequently subjects them to characterization through various methods such as magnetometry, x-ray scattering, and magnetic resonance techniques. These materials are then utilized to comprehend fundamental device concepts by harnessing their spin properties. Aisha finds it particularly intriguing to unravel a material's true potential after its growth.
In her previous work, she focused on single-crystal growth and in-depth analysis of spin transport and magnetic resonance properties in chiral magnetic insulators like Cu2OSeO3. In the context of the SpinLEGO project, her goal is to investigate a varied selection of noncollinear magnetic materials, emphasizing achieving ultralow magnetic damping and establishing strong coupling to microwave photons.
In their recent publication, they present the initial experimental investigation employing these novel magnets for applications in artificial intelligence, particularly reservoir computing.
About the "Physikerin der Woche" Initiative
Since January 2018, the Equal Opportunities Working Group of the DPG has been introducing you to a female physicist each week in a short report.
Dr. Ulrike Böhm, curator of this initiative, explains the idea in an DPG article: “We want to show that studying physics and becoming a female scientist is a real opportunity and excellent career choice for all women. That is why, every Monday, our task force for equal opportunities at DPG introduces one female physicist and her field of research in Germany or a female German physicist abroad.”
Further reading:
- Aisha Aqeel is Awarded Emmy Noether Grant
- Featured on the MCQST Blog - “Be confident about what you know and be curious about what you don’t”