15 July 2021

Monika Aidelsburger is featured as “Female Physicist of the Week”

Monika Aidelsburger, Professor at the Ludwig-Maximilians University and Co-coordinator of MCQST RU-G: Explorative Directions is featured as “Female Physicist of the Week” (Physikerin der Woche) by the German Physical Society (DPG).

Female researcher working in a quantum laboratory. © Kraemer/Krupp Stiftung
Her research focuses on quantum simulation of many-body physics with ultracold atoms in optical lattices. During her Ph.D., she developed novel experimental techniques to realize topological lattice models with cold atoms. She then worked as a Marie-Curie postdoctoral fellow at Collège de France in Paris, where she studied homogeneous 2D Bose gases before she returned to LMU in 2017. Now she is working on topological Floquet systems and many-body localization and has received an ERC Starting Grant from the European Commission for simulating lattice gauge theories with ultracold Yb atoms.

About the "Physikerin der Woche" Initiative

Since January 2018, the Equal Opportunities Working Group of the DPG has been introducing you to a female physicist each week in a short report.
Dr. Ulrike Böhm, curator of this initiative, explains the idea in an DPG article: “We want to show that studying physics and becoming a female scientist is a real opportunity and excellent career choice for all women. That is why, every Monday, our task force for equal opportunities at DPG introduces one female physicist and her field of research in Germany or a female German physicist abroad.”
Source: DPG Physikerin der Woche Website.

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