30 October 2023

PhD Survival Tips #2: Community & Job Search

Embarking on a PhD journey is a path filled with the promise of profound rewards and an enriching experiences. Yet, it is not without its unique set of challenges The “PhD Survival Tips” feature advice and insight of MCQST and IMPRS-QST alumni and experienced PhD students who have been through the process themselves. Drawing on their own personal experiences and successes, they offer practical tips and strategies to make the most of the PhD journey, while tackling issues that may come along the way.

Importance of Community and Finding the Right Job

The second video in the series delves into the significance of fostering connections and actively participating in the scientific community. Jiri Jarkovský shares his strategies for effective networking and establishing meaningful connections with peers in the field. Moreover, he sheds light on the multifaceted skill set that is developed throughout a PhD and how these skills can be translated into subsequent careers, even in industry.

Jiří Guth Jarkovský successfully completed his PhD journey in September 2022, earning his doctorate with a dissertation titled "Quantum Information Methods in Many-Body Physics" from TUM. Jiří did his research in the group of Ignacio Cirac at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics. He currently works as Quantum Application Engineer at IQM Munich.

The PhD Survival Tips series is a joint project by the Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST) and the International Max Planck Research School for Quantum Science and Technology (IMPRS-QST).

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