10 March 2023

Quantum meets Engineering

Although quantum science and technology is a hype topic in natural sciences, it still needs promotion in the engineering disciplines. Therefore, the Rohde & Schwarz journal "Neues" dedicated almost a complete issue to quantum science and technology related topics.

Rudolf Gross, Director at the Walther-Meißner-Institute (WMI) of the BAdW and MCQST co-Speaker, and Fabian Kronowetter, PhD student working in quantum systems at the Walther-Meißner-Institute, contributed with articles on Quantum Sensing and Quantum Radar to the Rodhe & Schwarz journal "Neues".

"To bring quantum technologies into applications, we have to increase the interest of engineers. Writing tutorial articles in engineering journals is one step in this direction" - Rudolf Gross

Quantensensorik und Quantenmetrologie machen gewaltige Fortschritte
Rudolf Gross, Neues 226, 20-23 (2023)

Quantenkorrelation verbessert Radartechnik
Fabian Kronowetter, Neues 226, 24-29 (2023)

Read the full articles in the "Neues" journal of Rhose & Schwarz (German Only)

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